Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What makes a completely inclusive Classroom?

This week in our class we focused on different ways to integrate differences between students. Whether it be race, ethnicity, culture, or learning styles we learned about how schools work around these differences. One way which I feel is very beneficial to a diverse classroom is inclusion. An Inclusive classroom should be centered around the needs of all the students no matter what they may be. Going deeper into this definition is equality. An inclusive classroom should have an equal feel to it among its students.  But what makes a completely inclusive classroom? Is it lesson plans? Is it the physical set-up of the class, is it the teacher to students relationships? Is it student to student relationships? I believe the answer lies in all of these questions. An inclusive classroom cannot just be one of these aspects but needs to include all of these aspects as one.

Lesson plans, in my opinion, should always be inclusive. By inclusive I mean that they can be altered or varied to students who may not be able to grasp the lesson as well or for students who find it to easy. Either way... the lessons should be flexible and tangible to all students no matter what. And this is something to always remember "NO MATTER WHAT" and that it when the lesson plan becomes inclusive.

The physical set up of a classroom is also pretty important. Students should have a set up that is easy for them. If a child is disabled the classroom should work around this trait. If a student speaks a different language maybe keeping language dictionaries or even a buddy for the student to guide them and be there for them can help this situation and still include the student. If there is a student with learning disabilities he or she should not be separated and have a different setting within the classroom but instead should be included and be a member of the class. These are just a few issues that can be worked around and fixed to make a classroom physically inclusive.

The relationships in the classroom though are most important. How students act toward eachother is very influential to other students. Children should be encouraged to treat each other equally and include everybody in the classroom during group activities. This can really only be enforced by the teacher. The teacher has the most influence on how their students behave. This is aproven fact. This being said a teacher should include all of its students in the classroom and meet the needs of each student without excluding anybody. If the students see the teacher practicing this quality they are sure to follow.

A lesson I found on Pinterest this week while researching inclusion really caught my eye and  I couldn't wait to share it! This lesson really taught students to include each other and even take the act of inclusion into their own hands without directly knowing this is what they are doing. This approach I found was very hands on and under the students discretion which makes it even more beneficial and fun. The lesson was "Fuzzy Wuzzy Bags". Each student decorates a brown lunch bag and personalizes it. The bags are hung in a tangible place in the classroom. When a student notices something positive about another student in the classroom they can write a note and put it in that persons bag. At the end of the year the students can open their own bags and read all the positive feedback from their peers. I saw this as an inclusion method because it encourages students to focus on the good things about each other and their education and if all the students participate all the students will have positive feedback at the end of the year and feel as an important member of the classroom

FREE Fuzzy Wuzzy Bags - Inclusive Classroom Activity

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

This week in my elementary education class we are focusing on the controversy of Columbus Day, seeing as it is coming up. We were asked how we would deal with this topic as teachers. Will we teach the lies about Columbus like the traditional curriculum or will we stray away from that tradition as an elementary school teacher, and why?

To start off when I was an elementary school student I was amazed at this great guy named Columbus. He seemed pretty daring, adventurous, and like somebody to look up least that is how my teachers painted him out to be. Later on as a high school student I learned the truth about Columbus and was very angry I had been lied to throughout elementary school about this "great man" Having said that I was displeased with the fact I was not taught the truth it made me question what else was I thought that wasn't true or that was made up? I do not want my students one day to feel the same way I felt as a high school-er finally learning the truth about Columbus. 

Although the story of Columbus is not one to applaud over I want to show my students they deserve to learn the curriculum the correct way and I want to be as honest as possible with my students. After all isn't holding back something educational from your students kind of against teaching ethics? In the article we read "There is no reason to Celebrate Invasion" there was a lot of anger associated with this holiday from a woman who represents the Native American people in present day America.  In her interview, Susan Harjo,  she said a few things that stood out to me which helped see the truth about this Columbus fella a little more clearly. 

"There is a reason we are the poorest people in America. There is a reason we have the highest teen suicide rate. There is a reason our people are ill-housed and in poor health, and we do not live as long as a majority of the population" 

these words made me feel very empathetic towards this minority but I glad I learned these facts and struggles of these people. Although it is not all Columbus's fault, I can understand the frustration Native American's have with this holiday, it seems pretty corrupt for us to be celebrating. After considering the question asked for this weeks blog and after reading about the truth and how to teach it I have decided to teach the truth about Columbus and stray away from that tradition. Although there are not a lot of pre-planned lessons to teach on the actuality of Columbus there is a lot to teach about the Native American people and that is how I would substitute the place of teaching the Columbus Curriculum.  

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Edu creative assignment on global education

For my creative assignment I chose to answer the question: what groups do you belong to and what groups have you been assigned do you share membership in any of these groups with people from different nations or cultures? I took this question pretty generally meaning I considered what groups I belong in as a member of the world and universe and also the groups I belong to that mostly define me. I chose to make a collage since I couldn't get the other creative option to work. I first put a picture of students in my collage to represent the most important aspect of my life right now; being a student and going to school. Many young adults attend school around the world and we can all relate to each other as students, I also put a picture of an educator because I have had the opportunity to educate and it is something I keep growing passionate about. This passion can be shared around the world and is one job that many countries, nations, and cultures depend upon. I also put a mother with her baby. Although I am not a mother yet I am soon to be and I have a lot of choices culturally about how I will raise my child which I feel puts me in membership culturally to other mothers. I say this because my child will be half Moroccan and I intend to interpret this culture into my child's life. Every mother does this with their child, it is inevitable. so I feel I belong to a mothering group with a bigger emphasis on culture, being able to relate to raising a child to a specific culture. I also put dancers. Dance is a big part of my life and always has been. I have taught it and I have been taught it so I feel as a part of a group. There are many dance styles and variations around the world and dance is important to many people like it is to me, that is why I have out this as one of my groups. Lastly I put a free spirit. I feel as if though I am a free sprit and although I haven't met many people with the same mentality I know they exist and being part of this group makes me more open to new things and more accepting of what's out of the ordinary.