Thursday, September 25, 2014

Why Teach?...

As the world keeps spinning it keeps changing. One thing that changes a lot in our world is the aspect of teaching and educating. In America education is becoming more and more important and crucial. It is becoming more professionalized and more strict with its curriculum and requirements. Our education today expects a lot more out of us than a lot of us could probably ever imagine, but in my opinion this isn't a bad thing. Not only do teachers expect a lot more out of their students now, but people expect a lot more out of the teachers in our society. This being said the question arises, why teach? I have been exploring  a lot of the reasons people teach this week and this is what I have come up with.

Some reasons to teach that are honest and good are because you have the power to make a difference, and the power to undo the wrong that one feels has been brought upon them.  Some people become teachers because they want to make learning an easier thing to do for students since it was never easy for them personally. Having this background I feel as if though this makes the most passionate type of teacher. Personally this is why I want to become a teacher and I can relate to his very much. Other reasons people become a teacher is because they are natural with their students and can connect to them, others enjoy the process of education and teaching gives you a life long learning experience, as long as you are teach you are learning, even if you don't know it. Other reasons to become a teacher are for the many vacations one gets, for the day never being boring or just the same as yesterday, and the hours a teacher works. Having listed all of these reasons to teach, again the one reason that stands out the most to me is to undo the wrong that has been done by past educators and to make a difference in the world of learning. Noticing a problem is the first way on the road to fixing it and if more teachers taught for this reason maybe all of the bad habits of teaching would disappear, its a long shot but you have to think, what if?

While there are a lot of positive aspects to the teaching field there are a lot of negatives, like the fact that ti is draining and tiring. A teacher constantly has to be on their feet and focused and if one can't amount to these expectations teaching won't be a pleasant job. Some people also teach because the hours and vacations are pretty convenient and this is not the right reason to become a teacher if you are not passionate about it, its wasting bot your time and your students time if you ask me. Another thing that could affect ones choice to be a teacher is always being around children, if you are not comfortable with this idea is teaching really something you'd like to do? Also while teaching is a profession it isn't a highly paid one for everything a teacher must endure and that is something to consider as well. When you ask yourself why teach? be sure to be positive that what ever reason it is that there is passion and caring behind your reason, and your teaching experience will be a happy and fulfilling one.

While researching the topic of why people teach for my education class at Salem State I discovered a pin on pinterest containing many quotes which bring out the positivism teaching has on the lives of many (students and teachers included) and I thought it was worth sharing and also really opened my eyes on why people teach, I hope you enjoy what I have found!
pinterest week 3

Here is an online article on why people teach touching upon many positive aspects of the teaching field.

Why teach

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